
Given the myriad of competitive challenges facing organizations today, they can ill afford to also
struggle with:

  • Needless and expensive employee turnover
  • Disengaged employees
  • A lack of leadership capabilities in their managerial ranks
  • Dysfunctional staff members or work teams
  • Sales people who can’t or won’t perform

Organizations need their leaders, managers, and people aligned and working together at the highest levels of performance. To that end, employee assessments can give organizations and its managers consistent, in-depth, and objective information about their people. This includes the employee’s:

  • Fit with organizational culture, job, manager, and team Knowledge, skills, job performance, and developmental needs
  • Preferred learning and communication style
  • Integrity, reliability and work ethic, and attitude towards substance abuse
  • Response to conflict, stress, and frustration

Information uncovered from assessments helps leaders and managers rely less on gut instinct and make smarter people decisions. The specific benefits include:

  • Selecting people most likely to succeed in a job
  •  Accelerating time for people to become fully productive in a new role Improving alignment and communication between managers and employees
  • Reducing workforce conflict and improving employee satisfaction
  • Maximizing each employee’s contribution to the organization
  • Reducing employee absenteeism and turnover
  • Reducing frequency and cost of theft
  • Increasing sales performance and customer loyalty
  • Enabling strategic workforce management and succession planning
  • Increasing overall workforce capability, productivity, and agility

Although an HR department may manage the day-to-day administration of an assessment program, these initiatives thrive in the organization when sponsored by senior leaders who are committed to building and retaining a high-performing workforce.

    The MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®) Step I personality assessment identifies an individual’s type (made up of four basic preferences), and provides a common language around how people interact with others and the world around them. This information helps people improve both their working and personal relationships in a productive and constructive way.  The Myers-Briggs® tool is a great resource for improving team performance, developing leaders, resolving conflict, guiding career exploration and coaching others.  


    DiSC measures your personality and behavioral style. It does not measure intelligence, aptitude, mental health or values. DiSC profiles describe human behavior in various situations. For example, the DiSC questionnaire asks about how you respond to challenges, how you influence others, how you respond to rules and procedures, and about your preferred pace of activity. The DiSC model discusses four reference points: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, Conscientiousness.


    The CheckPoint Feedback System is a 360-degree assessment. It’s used primarily to evaluate the effectiveness of your managers and leaders, and helps them identify and prioritize their own development opportunities.